Friday, August 15, 2008

Russia's Invasion Of Georgia.

Hey everyone! I'm Shiney and welcome to my blog.

While everyone was busy paying attention to China and the opening ceremony for the Olympics, Russia attacked Georgia.

No not Georgia the state, Georgia the country.

They invaded South Ossetia with about 150 tanks and started this hoopla....or did they?

According to MSNBC and I quote
"The crisis erupted last week when Georgia sent forces to retake South Ossetia, a pro-Russian province that threw off Georgian rule in the 1990s. Moscow responded by sending its troops into Georgia."

So does that mean that Russia is not the bad guy and they were merely trying to protect a province that believes in their principles from oppression, as they so desperately want us to believe?

I don't think so, because if they were only in South Ossetia to protect they wouldn't have moved further, into Gori attacking Georgia itself.

Ya I have NO idea what I'm talking I got you a MAP!

Georgia.jpg Map of Georgia picture by shadowangel26

America being the "great" nation it is, is trying to intervene but as far as I can see if Russia doesn't want to stop, there is nothing they can do about it without some sort of military action. I mean Russia has already broken a cease fire. What are the odds they won't break this peace treaty that Condoleezza Rice set up.

Now what strikes me as hypocritical is George Bush's statement "Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century."

How exactly was the Iraq war started? I explicitly remember Bush giving Saddam Hussein a ultimatum of either leaving Iraq or having the US attack. What exactly is that called Bush? Friendly nudging?

Russia's motives for invading Georgia has been revealed by the media to be, keeping Georgia out of the NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which is an alliance of 26 countries of which they are dying to be a part of. At this time Georgia is only a partner. This attack is said to deny them membership as the NATO won't ally with someone in a conflict with Russia. As Russia and the NATO are VERY close.

What the hell? Is this high school? Who is running this country? That is so petty.

The NATO however is planning to punish Russia for its actions. Even threatening to scrub a mission they were to embark on together.

I don't know, I think NATO should watch whose toes they tread on.

What are your thoughts on the invasion?

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